Two complete examples: Autopilot model for self-driving cars and Cluster model to cluster images for object detection
Model Explorer with over 1'500 example EmbeddedMontiArc models
Language Highlights:
Textual Language for Component and Connector Models
Port Types are strongly typed with complete Unit support, e.g.
(0 km/h : 0.1 km/h : 250 km/h) means that the type accepts
the values from 0 kilometer per hour up to 250 kilometer per hour in steps of
0.1 kilometer per hour.
Port and Component Arrays (no need for copying elements several times as in Simulink)
Generic Components similar to Java's template generics (easy reuseability of components)
Vector-based connectors (e.g. connect filter[:].output -> filteredOutput[:]
connects from all filter instances the corresponding output ports to all
filteredOutput ports of the current instance)
Behavior of Atomic Components can be modeled in a typed version of Matlab.
No matrix dimension mismatches during runtime - it will be verified during
compile time!
Matrices can be typed with algebraic properties, e.g. diag Q^{10, 10} mat creates
a diagonal 10x10 matrix with the name mat.